
Several tools are available to make your life easier when working on reproducible builds.


diffoscope will try to get to the bottom of what makes files or directories different. It will recursively unpack archives of many kinds and transform various binary formats into more human-readable forms for comparison. It can compare two tarballs, ISO images, or PDFs just as easily. See an example HTML and text output.

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rebuilderd monitors the package repository of a linux distribution and uses rebuilder backends like archlinux-repro to verify the provided binary packages can be reproduced from the published source code.

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repro is a rebuilder backend that verifies a given Arch Linux package. It uses the embedded .BUILDINFO file to reconstruct an identical build environment and repeats the build from source, then compares the input package with the package generated during the verification build.

Homepage Issues Arch Linux package


If you wish to just experiment with diffoscope without installing a large number of run-time dependencies, you can use the service directly from your web browser. A lightweight client is also available as the trydiffoscope command-line utility.

Homepage Git Merge requests Debian package PyPI


Problems with unstable order of inputs or other variations introduced by filesystems can sometimes be hard to track down. disorderfs is an overlay FUSE filesystem that deliberately introduces non-determinism into filesystem metadata. For example, it can randomize the order in which directory entries are read.

Git Merge requests Debian package Arch Linux package


Some tools used in build systems might introduce non-determinism in ways difficult to fix at the source, which requires post-processing. strip-nondeterminism knows how to normalise various file formats such as gzipped files, ZIP archives, and Jar files. It is written in Perl with extensibility in mind.

Git Issues Merge requests Debian package Arch Linux package


reprotest builds the same source code in different environments and then checks the binaries produced by the builds to see if changing the environment, without changing the source code, changed the generated binaries.

Git Merge requests Debian package Arch Linux package

Other tools


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