Collaborative Working Sessions - Success stories
Real world success stories: What we know works
- clear cases
widely honored and standardized- ElectroBSD (distribution tar balls amd64)
- near 500 Java project produce RB releases (see Reproducible Central)
- Yocto base
- NixOS minimal installation ISO reproducible
- Tails ISO
- Tor Browser is reproducible
- Debian docker images
- diverse double compilation to encounter Trusting-trust attacs
- Debian policy
- bitcoin core
- find+fix corruption bugs
- nobody knows (missing docs etc)
- zig
- go toolchain?
- android
- Spoon: An AST parsing and transformation library for Java
- openSUSE at 97%
- GitHub reproroducible build badge
- spytrap-adb
- F-Droid 90% new apps included are reproducible
- coreboot
- deveoper stories
Real world success stories we need or are searching for
(RB Success Stories Desired)
column 1: < 100%
- 96% binary pkg reproducible debian cloud image
- K && N trust in GNU Guix substitues by default
- Debug Packages
- Debian Install Images reproducible
column 2
- 150 java projects try fail at getting RB release (really hard to read) J
- f-droid: older apps RB verify but not yet switched
- only release reproducible packages (stage until verified)
column 3
- Reproducible compilers built with other compilers. e.g. gcc built via clang then rebuild gcc with that
- setting up CI RB system for FEdora RPMs
- Install images rebuilt on different distro
- Install images rebuilt by different organisations
- Repo reproducible as opposed to deterministic build
- Debian snapshot scalable