Collaborative Working Sessions - Metrics

Reproducible Builds Summit 2022


We defined 4 columns:

For each column we defined :

For distributions:

For Projects:

For Compilers:

For ecosystems:

yaml file formats:

Compiler yaml file format:

name of the compiler: string
language: string
build systems: [ string ]
reproducible binaries on differen archs: [string, bool]
bootstrap reproducibly: bool
compile reproducible binaries: bool

Distribution yaml file format:

name of the distribution: string
type of reproducibility (reprotest/rebuild): string
reproducible status: [architecture]
reproducible status of build essential dependencies: [architecture]


name: string
reproducible: float
unreproducible: float
unknown: float


name of the compiler: ocamlc
language: ocaml
build systems:
    - dune
    - opam
 reproducible binaries on differen archs: 
    - amd64: yes
    - arm64: yes
bootstrap reproducibly: yes
compile reproducible binaries: true

name of the distribution: alpine
type of reproducibility (reprotest/rebuild/none): none
reproducible status: []
reproducible status of build essential dependencies: []