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Reproducible Builds: Weekly report #89

Published: Jan 11, 2017.

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday January 1 and Saturday January 7 2017:

GSoC and Outreachy updates

Toolchain development

  • #849999 was filed: “dpkg-dev should not set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to the empty string”

Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed

Chris Lamb:


Reviews of unreproducible packages

13 package reviews have been added, 4 have been updated and 6 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues.

2 issue types have been added/updated:

Upstreaming of reproducibility fixes



Weekly QA work

During our reproducibility testing, the following FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by:

  • Chris Lamb (4)

diffoscope development

diffoscope 67 was uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb. It included contributions from :

[ Chris Lamb ]

* Optimisations:
  - Avoid multiple iterations over archive by unpacking once for an ~8X
    runtime optimisation.
  - Avoid unnecessary splitting and interpolating for a ~20X optimisation
    when writing --text output.
  - Avoid expensive diff regex parsing until we need it, speeding up diff
    parsing by 2X.
  - Alias expensive Config() in diff parsing lookup for a 10% optimisation.

* Progress bar:
  - Show filenames, ELF sections, etc. in progress bar.
  - Emit JSON on the the status file descriptor output instead of a custom

* Logging:
  - Use more-Pythonic logging functions and output based on __name__, etc.
  - Use Debian-style "I:", "D:" log level format modifier.
  - Only print milliseconds in output, not microseconds.
  - Print version in debug output so that saved debug outputs can standalone
    as bug reports.

* Profiling:
  - Also report the total number of method calls, not just the total time.
  - Report on the total wall clock taken to execute diffoscope, including

* Tidying:
  - Rename "NonExisting" -> "Missing".
  - Entirely rework diffoscope.comparators module, splitting as many separate
    concerns into a different utility package, tidying imports, etc.
  - Split diffoscope.difference into diffoscope.diff, etc.
  - Update file references in debian/copyright post module reorganisation.
  - Many other cleanups, etc.

* Misc:
  - Clarify comment regarding why we call python3(1) directly. Thanks to Jérémy
    Bobbio <>.
  - Raise a clearer error if trying to use --html-dir on a file.
  - Fix --output-empty when files are identical and no outputs specified.

[ Reiner Herrmann ]
* Extend .apk recognition regex to also match zip archives (Closes: #849638)

[ Mattia Rizzolo ]
* Follow the rename of the Debian package "python-jsbeautifier" to

[ siamezzze ]
* Fixed no newline being classified as order-like difference.

reprotest development

reprotest 0.5 was uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb. It included contributions from:

[ Ximin Luo ]

* Stop advertising variations that we're not actually varying.
  That is: domain_host, shell, user_group.
* Fix auto-presets in the case of a file in the current directory.
* Allow disabling build-path variations. (Closes: #833284)
* Add a faketime variation, with NO_FAKE_STAT=1 to avoid messing with
  various buildsystems. This is on by default; if it causes your builds
  to mess up please do file a bug report.
* Add a --store-dir option to save artifacts.

Other contributions (not yet uploaded): website development

  • Debian arm64 architecture was fully tested in all three suites in just 15 days. Thanks again to for their support!
  • Log diffoscope profiling info. (lamby)
  • Run pg_dump with -O --column-inserts to make easier to import our main database dump into a non-PostgreSQL database. (mapreri)
  • Debian armhf network: CPU frequency scaling was enabled for three Firefly boards, enabling the CPUs to run at full speed. (vagrant)
  • Arch Linux and Fedora tests have been disabled (h01ger)
  • Improve mail notifications about daily problems. (h01ger)


This week’s edition was written by Chris Lamb, Holger Levsen and Vagrant Cascadian, reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.

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