Mapping missing Documentation
Missing maps/lists/documentation/visualization
- what is blocking progress
- open issues by programming language
- A non-distro/all-distry list of unreproducible software
- RB issues with doxygen: common problems&solutions
- I want a list of all pypi pythron reproducible packages
- CVEs but for reproducibility
- List Security bugs in RB processes and tools (diffoscope, verifification scripts, etc)
- list services and/or infrastructure we depend on
- different types of attestations, pros and cons of each of them
- homepage/doc: other classes of repo issues besides what is already documented?
- to have some guidelines about how to be a reproducile build tools
- review docs website for direct links to targeted actionable headings
- cyber resiliance act requires SBOM, what are tbe best practices to implement them?
- best practices to investigate and resolve reproducibility bugs
- how to properly introduce reproducibility in a team? why would we do that?
- doc explaining how to set up and run rebuilders
- easy TODOs for student projects (3-6 month wokring 3-4h/week)
- format to communicate rebuilder capabilities
- “service [name] only has reproducible deps” green checkmarks
- rewrite strip-nondeterminism in
- tools to help building reproducibly
- divergence between differnt packaging reproducibility for same upstreams
- what is the standard way to make go binaries reproducible
- how to properly sign APKs to then run APKSIG copier
- how can I gather gradle dependencies in the proper way
- source packages to upstream repositories