State of Reproducible Builds

almost done

  • R-B the idea, the goal
  • 92% reproducible in Debian (2015: 83%, 2014: ~60%) when building in same buildpath
  • fully reproducible bitcoin, tor, coreboot, electrobsd, webconverger
  • communication channels setup: mailing list, IRC, webpage
  • test.r-b.o Debian
  • SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH specified, patches in gcc
  • diffoscope version one (already useful)
  • initial prototype of reprotest
  • buildinfo for Debian
  • Monthly IRC meetings
  • 2 summits, community
  • Weekly report (blog, RSS)
  • dpkg+toolchain in Debian main
  • 500 patches merged in Debian, +100 in openSUSE

half-done / in progress

  • definition of r-b
  • 77% reproducible in Debian (with build-path issue), 23% = 2000-5000 source packages missing
  • Talks, presentations given
  • advocacy / use cases
  • r-b for NetBSD, Archlinux, openSUSE, FreeBSD, Fedora, CEDE, Debian, F-droid
  • SOURCE_PREFIX_MAP specification / GCC build path patches
  • Diffoscope improvements
  • buildinfo for rpm, freebsd, coreboot
  • buildinfo distribution for DAK (Debian FTP)
  • general buildinfo spec
  • rpm support
  • tests.r-b.o * (for everything non-Debian)
  • reproducible live-media, containers, other images
  • Documentation
  • GNU coding guidelines / Debian Policy
  • 800 patches unmerged (in Debian)
  • r-b logo

Not started / in planning

  • User controls + verification
  • Gettext (reproducible translated content)
  • r-b for Android, OpenBSD, Ubuntu, Redhat
  • buildinfo file distribution (putting them on mirrors/blockchain/public-signed-logs)
  • analyze buildinfo files (detect dirty build envs, find differing binaries, find same binaries even though differing envs)
  • tests.r-b.o / * against the ‘real world’ (i.e. what is distributed to users)
  • compiler bootstrapping
  • cross distro issue-notes
  • pkgsrc (NetBSD & more)
  • IoT (software running in cars, fridges etc)
  • Windows (except ducible)
  • MacOS + iOS
  • Formal RFC
  • policy & laws
  • r-b book “r-b for Dummies”, “Everything you wanted to know about r-b but were too afraid to ask”