Where from here?

Participants are invited to write statements starting with “I Will”, “We should” and “Don’t Forget”. Names have been omitted from the website.

I will…

  • I will make OpenWrt more reproducible
  • I will make more coreboot payloads reproducible
  • I will push squashfs patches upstream
  • I will share a report to my fellow students back to the uni so maybe I can get them interested
  • I will write a deign doc for different types of reproducibility + build info files
  • I will upload koji to Debian
  • I will make it easier to use Nix’s –repeat/–check flags with diffoscope
  • I will finish wiki content migration
  • I will add tests to diffoscope image diff patch + resubmit
  • I will make reproducible packages for Qubes OS
  • I will make Hydra do repeated builds for NixOS
  • I will start the “share the issues” database
  • I will improve the code behind reproducible.d.n to test better other project
  • I will send a r-b trip report to an appropriate FreeBSD mailing list
  • I will write aor solicit a r-b article for the FreeBSD journal
  • I will submit a r-b talk to BSDCon and/or other BSD conferences
  • I will document reproducibility policy/mechanisms in the Nix pkgs manual
  • I will send a report to the nix-dev mailing list
  • I will update wtherpad with stuff I have done
  • I will post my analysis of diffoscope “Too much info for diff” errors
  • I will bring wip FreeBSD kernel reproducible patch into the tree
  • I will document how to contribute to r-b.org website
  • I will contact universities around my place to discuss r-b in CS curriculum
  • I will cut a new diffoscope release
  • I will follow upon getting ftp.master (debian) to accept & distribute .buildinfo files
  • I will contact upstream tracker about reproducible builds
  • I will work on reporting reproducibility in ccache, waf
  • I will set up continuous reprodubility reports on Baserock
  • I will upstream reproducibility fixes for NetHack
  • I will continue to verify Debian results
  • I will continue looking for unreproducible packages in Debian and patch them if I can
  • I will continue looking at untagged non-repro. Packages in Debian and tag issues I recognize
  • I will look into parsing ELF files as containers in diffoscope
  • I will send SOURCE_DATA_EPOCH RPM patch pull request
  • I will implement Qubes OS testing for jenkins.d.n
  • I will report my srebuild experiment to the ML
  • I will try to get some buildinfo for Qubes
  • I will start working on making pkgsrc build reproducibly
  • I will continue working on NetBSD to build reproducibly
  • I will report to NetBSD about the summit
  • I will report on the outcome of r-b Athens 2015 to macports-dev@
  • I will implement SOURCE_DATE_APOCH support/tarball timestamp fixes in MacPorts (using findnewest(1))
  • I will figure out how to get a reproducibility patch into zipalign
  • I will try to get some Googles to work on Bazel-on-Debian
  • I will tell my co-workers that there is actually interest in making builds reproducible
  • I will eat less on the next conference I go to
  • I will work on reprotest
  • I will take this Sunday off
  • I will get RPMs tested by the end of 2015
  • I will cleanup the jenkins.d.n. codebase so others can jump in more easily
  • I will work a funding with Ed & Chris
  • I will sort my ToDo
  • I will write a blog post on Bazel website
  • I will write a report to my team
  • I will continue improving s(re)build
  • I will not use __DATE__
  • I will write a Tor blog post about the meeting
  • I will look closer at Diverse Double Compilation
  • I will upstream GHC patches
  • I will investigate how possible it is to have the next meeting in Lisboa or elsewhere in Portugal
  • I will make Qubes OS RPM build using the same tools as Fedora
  • I will work on the reproducible builds to make them portable
  • I will work on the FreeBSD package building tools to make them reproducible
  • I will continue making Arch Linux reproducible and extend the pipeline and toolchain
  • I will inform the Arch linux community about this event and progress
  • I will continue contributing to cross distribution tools for reproducible builds
  • I will get myself an account on alioth.d.o (issue database)
  • I will email the GNU & Guix hackers to report back
  • I will push for reproducibility in the GNU coding standards, and for repro. fixes
  • I will start a discussion on how to sign code in GNU Guix
  • I will email Holger to set up Guix on the ProfitBricks machines
  • I will do a repro talk in a hackerspace
  • I will report back to coreboot and OpenWrt
  • I will inform Fedora community about this event
  • I will keep the Fedora reproducible machinery updated, and working
  • I will help upstream patches to RPM, cpio, gcc etc.
  • I will help get packages in Fedora

We should…

  • We should invite key people from Fedora’s release/build team
  • We should push the idea rep. Into universities
  • We should add source-sha256 to .deb and dpkg-buildpackage
  • We should get buildinfo files in Debian already and fix dpkg
  • We should have another rb meeting to share our progress
  • We should find a simple way of signing each commit in Guix
  • We should automate the way we compare the binaries between build servers and users in Guix
  • We should attract more projects to work on reproducible builds
  • We should have another reproducibility summit
  • We should have a cross-distro wiki/database of common reproducibility issues
  • We should find hardware sponsors so we can have multiple servers building packages so we can compare them
  • We should have another reproducible meeting IRL
  • We should organize another rb event
  • We should encourage upstreams and mantainers to sign their source code
  • We should hold another R.B. summit in about 6 months
  • We should meet way more often than the proposed every 6 months
  • We should actively invite Fedora people
  • We should have another r-b summit (in NA)
  • We should have publicly documented r-b build resources (hardware/ CPU time)
  • We should invite OpenBSD to the next summit
  • We should prepare flyers for FOSDEM
  • We should decide how to get this shared database of issues running
  • We should publish a buildinfo specification
  • We should ship a “reproducible” debian subset as a suite
  • We should develop buildinfo comparator tools. input: multiple .buildinfo w/ some out put artifacts. output: “these artifacts are reproducible when X & Y vary”
  • We should develop clear stories for getting activists & civil liberties folks excited about r-b
  • We should investigate reproducible cross-building e.g. freebsd on debian & viceversa
  • We should write a cross-distro .buildinfo “translator”
  • We should make reproducible builds the norm – also upstream
  • We should continue to work on getting buildinfo into the debian archive
  • We should make it easy for upstreams to check for reproducibility (e.g. make, waf integration)
  • We should create tools for making reproducibility visible to users
  • We should invite toolchain people from OpenBSD & DragonflyBSD (choose carefully!)
  • We should have r-b whitepapers (for mgrs)
  • We should commit publicly to r-b efforts (on mailing lists for example)
  • We should have another reproducible builds summit
  • We should keep in touch and share knowledge on the solutions and tools to solve reproducibility issues
  • We should invite openSUSE at next meeting
  • We should encourage more users to reproduce builds
  • We should think about multi-sigs for reprod.software
  • We should encourage source code signing
  • We should get more Fedora/rpm people on board
  • We should have another summit
  • We should compare isues resulting from buildsystems (was on post-it)
  • We should increase adoption of findnewest
  • We should finish use case docs telling companies/managers why investing in r-b is a good thing
  • We should work on getting tarbaV timestamp clamp support implemented upstream
  • We should do this again
  • We should figure out how to make Bazel interact with Debian better
  • We should stay synchronized via mailing list
  • We should have another reproducible builds conference
  • We should add SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to LLVM
  • We should get (more) Fedora, Suse, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, Oracle people involved & to the next meeting
  • We should write a blog post and a post to debian-devel-announce @ l.d.o
  • We should have more meetings
  • We should make software (esp. compilers) bootstrappable (DCC)
  • We should invest time in tools that everybody is benefitting from
  • We should have a follow-up meeting (face-to-face)
  • We should have another reproducible builds meetup
  • We should have a monthly meeting in IRC that is moderated
  • We should really have a cross distribution exchange about patches and infos to not dupllicate efforts
  • We should hold another r-b meeting!
  • We should contribute to the shared issue database

Don’t forget…

  • Don’t forget to take a stab and try pushing patches from Debian elsewhere too
  • Don’t forget to invite openSUSE and Fedora/RM people next time
  • Don’t forget to send some practical details pior to event e.g. at least be @ “x” at “y” am a week before
  • Don’t forget to confirm hotel sponsorship!
  • Don’t forget to buy stock in 3M & sharpie
  • Don’t forget to invite Fedora people to the summit (CentOS, SL, OpJ, SUSE, gentoo)
  • Don’t forget about documenting how different projects are regarding r-b
  • Don’t forget we need lots of Internet
  • Don’t forget to invite xorriso upstream
  • Don’t forget to invite openSUSE people next time
  • Don’t forget to invite cloud (e.g. docker, rocket) people next time
  • Don’t forget to solve verification of multiple identical builds by users
  • Don’t forget to thank Holger, Lunar, Gunner & all organizers & facilitators
  • Don’t forget updating r-b.org website
  • Don’t forget to build a database of non-deterministic tools and workarounds
  • Don’t forget thanking the organizers & sponsors
  • Don’t forget to invite people familiar with r-b on Windows
  • Don’t forget to invite Facebook/Buck team
  • Don’t forget that events like this need interwebs
  • Don’t forget to have stable WLAN at the next meeting
  • Don’t forget to invite Apple folks
  • Don’t forget to invite Microsoft folks
  • Don’t forget about addressing installation images creation reprod.
  • Don’t forget to define a clear threat model for reproducible builds so we can articulate by how much they raise the bar
  • Don’t forget to invite more people from industry (FB, Intel?, Twitter) and possibly academia
  • Don’t forget to bring a powerful router or two to the next event
  • Don’t forget to add to the website any new projects used in the real world that derive an articulable and clear benefit from reproducible builds
  • Don’t forget to communicate between projects
  • Don’t forget to keep thinking about how to reduce the set of bootstrap binaries