Defining Reproducible Builds I

What’s the definition of a reproducible build?

We agree on 3 factors:

  • Input - same source code.
  • Output - bit by bit identical output, verifiable by a checksum. But we need to define the output files, because a build can also generate debugging files or other output.
  • Environment - what’s an environment? kernel, source tree, build path, versions of all installed packages. discussion about trust and shipping VMs as build environments.

We agree on saying that:

reproducible builds is:

  • bit-by-bit identical
  • checksum verifiable
  • specified outputs
  • no specialized comparator (make stripping part of your build - output must still be usable)

We’ve set up an axis to define INPUTS (source and build environments).

drawing, shown as ASCII below


(the y-axis is "relevance", the x-axis is how hard it is to fix)

 *  same source code
 * build instructions (command line)
 * same environment configuration, build flags
 * dependencies and their versions
 * locations where dependencies are installed
 * pre-existing keys

ABOVE THIS LINE: Ideal reproducible build
BELOW THIS LINE LEFT: Minimal viable reproducible build

ON THE RIGHT: these are things which should not be done

 * saved optimization metadata
 * build path prefix
                                             * different person building
                                           * host dependent optimization

EASY -------------------------------------------------> HARD TO PIN/FIX

ON THE RIGHT: these are things which are not reproducible and should not

* other filesystem content
                                                         * Signing keys
                                                         * system time
                                                         * readdir order
                                             * random data (/dev/random)

The ideal reproducible build

  • same source code
  • build instructions (command line)
  • same environment configuration, build flags
  • dependencies and their versions
  • locations where dependencies are installed

Reproducible Builds definition Post-It notes Reproducible Builds definition Post-It notes