Test infrastructure

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  1. tests.reproducible-builds.org test setup
    • get ride of iframes – talking to “u” about it
  2. reproducing testing set up
    • vagrant can try setting up a test set up for the builders themselves, then freebsd can try to replicate the same environments
    • lynsis: document how to build openwrt2 – change the openwrt script and coreboot script so that is doesn’t depend on debian
    • tails will make a link of the results of testing tails iso so we can link from tests.r-b.org
  3. merge the postgres code and create new schema
    • change to postgres
    • make a script to update schema design
  4. notes
    • cross distro notes?
    • way to mark a package as fixed in notes, and not display them?
    • ways to specific whether issue is debian specific
  5. making the database schema more cross distro friendly
    • CPE – unique identifier / match names of packages across distros
  6. other people doing reproducible tests and reporting back
    • Holger wants them to provide yaml files
    • lynxis thinks kernelci.org is cool – has an API for accepting results of kernel builds and boots

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